Flood Lighting Pole
Flood Lighting Pole
Flood Lighting Pole is known for its versatility in providing luminaire on a huge area with minimal effort. It is typically used for an open area such as a car park, playground field, warehouse, and many others. Various options of headframe design are available to suit floodlights of all sizes and quantities.
Flood Lighting Pole - Climbing Rung
Climbing Rung Pole is equipped with a detachable climbing rung for ease of maintenance without the use of lifting equipment. Similar to Standard Flood Lighting pole, it has a wide range of lighting applications.
Option & Accessories
4M to 20M height
Customize pole size for various application
Headframe to suit all types of fitting
Brackets for additional attachment
Fiberglass service door
Anti-stick paint
UV-resistant polyester powder coating for aesthetic finishing